viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015
Éxito de las Frecuencias de Oro en Salón Piscina Wellness 2015
Terapeutas, conferenciantes de primer orden internacional, profesionales
del sector wellness y visitantes del “Wellness Experience”, constatan los
sorprendentes e immediatos resultados de las frecuencias restauradoras para un nuevo bienestar.
Prestigiosas empresas a nivel mundial en servicios y terapias
wellness, como el grupo hotelero Mandarin
Oriental y la firma Germaine de Capuccini, reforzaron sus tratamientos terapéuticos
con la efectividad de las soluciones sensoriales de Zensations.
Distintos profesionales de equipamiento y servicios wellness a
nivel nacional e internacional solicitaron en el mismo Salón, propuestas
específicas de nuestra marca para sus proyectos, productos e instalaciones.
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015
Zensations in "Piscina & Wellness Barcelona 2015 - Global Aquatic Exhibition" /// Zensations en el "Salón Piscina & Wellness Barcelona 2015"
Zensations in "Piscina & Wellness Barcelona 2015 - Global Aquatic Exhibition"
Zensations brings its magic to the next edition of "Piscina & Wellness Barcelona 2015 -Global Aquatic Exhibition" from 13th to 16th october.
Albert Cuevas, founder and creator master of Zensations, have designed for the event some unique pieces you don't wanna miss: from big Arboreums murals to a unique audiovisual installation, the visitors will enjoy in the innovative referral central point of the event: the Wellness Experience.
The Wellness Experience has been designed as an eco-sustainable wellness centre focused on the new consumer's preferences:
The Wellness Experience has been designed as an eco-sustainable wellness centre focused on the new consumer's preferences:
The Wellness Experience will be located by the Seminar/Conference room, where renowned personalities of the wellness industry worldwide will give their speaks. Check here the schedule and list of titles/speakers:
Looking forward to meet you there!
Looking forward to meet you there!
Zensations en el "Salón Piscina & Wellness Barcelona 2015"
Zensations trae su magia en la próxima edición del "Salón Piscina & Wellness Barcelona 2015" que se celebrará entre los próximos 13-16 octubre.
Albert Cuevas, fundador y creador de Zensations, ha diseñado para el evento unas piezas unicas que no os querréis perder: grandes murales Arboreums y un montaje audiovisual, que los visitantes podran disfrutar en el elemento estrella del salón: el Wellness Experience.
El Wellness Experience se ha diseñado como un centro wellness eco-sostenible que presentará las preferencias del nuevo consumidor:
El Wellness Experience se ha diseñado como un centro wellness eco-sostenible que presentará las preferencias del nuevo consumidor:
El Wellness Experience se situará al lado de la sala de Seminarios/Conferencias, donde distinguidas personalidades de la indústria del wellness a nivel mundial darán sus charlas. Aquí podéis consultar los horarios y titulos de las mismas:
Os esperamos!
Os esperamos!
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015
Arboreums, Harmonic Chants, the Bovis biometer and the Health levels /// Arboreums, Cantos Armónicos, el biómetro de Bovis y los niveles de Salud
Arboreums, Harmonic Chants, the Bovis biometer and the Health levels
In this article we talk about one of the tools that we use in Zensations to measure the goodness and positive effects of our Arboreums and harmonic chants on well-being of people: the Bovis biometer.
The Bovis biometer, also called Bovis Scale, is a tool that measures the life force energy level of any substance, food, medicine, living beings, objects or geographic places.
Bovis was a French physician, whose research was oriented towards creating a tool to find out if food is nurturing for the human body or not. Together with engineer Simoneton he created the Bovis Biometer or Scale. The original scale was graduated from 1000 to 10,000 units. Today we use a larger scale going up to 50,000 units.
An intensity or vibrational quality between 7000-8000 units on the Bovis scale is considered neutral; this is, for instance, the standard “normal” or correct health state of a person. From 0 to 7,000 the charge is negative, or life detracting, while above the 8,000 point the energy is considered positive, or life enhancing. Measures are taken using radiesthesy or dowsing tecniques.
Scientific research has shown that a positive or life enhancing value on the Bovis Scale relates to an anti-clockwise direction of the spin of atoms, and a clockwise spin atoms gives a Bovis reading below 7,000 which is weakening. Our DNA and living water have a left or anti-clockwise turning spiral, while cancer cells and "dead" water have a right turning spin.
Geobiologists use the Bovis Biometer as a common language to communicate about energy levels of places. Readings below 7,000 show the presence of geopathy, underground water veins, geological cracks and earth's magnetic grids, or negative memories, which are harmful to human beings, animals and plants. Readings above 8,000 are considered health enhancing. Some Vortexes and Power places on earth show extremely high results on the Bovis Scale, therefore highly enhancing of health.
The principle or natural law of resonance allow us to understand and explain very easily how these frequency levels associated to objects, places and living beings interact between them, affecting and influencing the vitality level. So, the interaction with elements, places or situations with low frequencies will diminish our vital frequency (therefore being harmly) while the interaction with high frequency elements and/or places will rise up and empower our vital frequency (being benefitial for our health).
Arboreums show high and very high measurement levels in Bovis scale, from 13,000 and over 25,000. Zensations Harmonic chants and audiovisual Zensations productions are above 25,000 Bovis units. Big ancient trees and special locations show up values above 30,000. Places specially active like volcanic or lava emanations show up even higher values.
Arboreums, Cantos Armónicos, el biómetro de Bovis y los niveles de Salud
En este artículo hablamos sobre una de las herramientas que utilizamos en Zensations para medir la bondad y los efectos positivos de nuestros Arboreums y los cantos armónicos atonales sobre el bienestar de las personas: elBiómetro de Bovis.
Bovis fue un científico francés, cuya investigación se orientó a crear una herramienta para descubrir si un alimento era nutritivo para el cuerpo humano o no. Junto con el ingeniero Simoneton creo el Biómetro de Bovis. La escala original que se creó estaba graduada de 1000 a 10.000 unidades. Hoy usamos una escala extendida que va hasta las 50.000 unidades.
Una calidad vibracional entre unas 7000-8000 unidades en la escala de Bovis se considera neutral; este es el valor de referencia para un estado “normal” o correcto de salud de una persona, por ejemplo. De 0 a 7000 unidades la carga o calidad vibracional es negativa o perjudicial para la vida, mientras los valores por encima de 8000 se consideran positivas o potenciadores de la vitalidad. Las medidas en la escala de Bovis se hacen radiestésicamente.
La investigación científica ha mostrado que valores “positivos” o altos en la escala de Bovis se corresponden con un sentido antihorario en el giro de los átomos mientras que un giro horario de los átomos corresponde a una lectura de Bovis inferior a 7000 unidades, es decir “debilitante” o negativa. Nuestro ADN y una agua vitalizada o sana, por ejemplo, presentan una espiral en sentido antihorario, mientras que células cancerígenas o una agua “muerta”, no vitalizada o contaminada la tienen en sentido horario.
Los geobiólogos utilizan la escala de Bovis como una herramienta habitual para medir y expresar los niveles de energía de los sitios. Lecturas por debajo de las 6500 unidades se asocian con la presencia de geopatías, vetas de agua subterránea, fallas y campos electromagnéticos, todos ellos elementos dañinos para los seres vivos, el ser humano y su salud. Existen, por otra parte, vórtices positivos y lugares de carga positiva, con altos valores en la escala de Bovis y consecuentemente reforzadores o potenciadores de la salud.
El principio o ley natural de la resonancia permite entender y explicar muy fácilmente como estos niveles de frecuencia asociados a los objetos, lugares y seres vivos interactúan entre ellos, afectando e incidiendo sobre el nivel de vitalidad. Así, la interacción con elementos, sitios o situaciones con bajas frecuencias disminuirá nuestra frecuencia vital (siendo por tanto perjudicial) mientras que la interacción con elementos, sitios o situaciones con altas frecuencias aumentaran nuestra frecuencia vital (siendo consecuentemente beneficioso para nuestra salud).
martes, 9 de junio de 2015
Albert Cuevas ambienta Millesime 2015 /// Albert Cuevas enlivens Millesime 2015
Gran Mural Arboreum “Óxido” para Millesime 2015 (dimensiones aprox 200cmsx760 cms)
Zensations de Albert Cuevas, es el sorprendente e innovador proyecto de diseño y creación de productos, espacios y experiencias sensoriales únicas y funcionales para el bienestar a partir de las frecuencias restauradoras de la Naturaleza: fusión de texturas, formas y colores de los reinos vegetal y mineral, mágicas estructuras arbóreas basadas en la mística proporción áurea (Arboreums)
La esencia (y aplicación) universal de las producciones de Zensations trasciende fronteras geográficas y culturales, jugando con arte, ciencia, fotografía, radiestesia y sonoterapia, combinando de una forma exquisita y magistral diseño innovador de vanguardia y sabiduría centenaria, para generar unas emociones extraordinariamente sorprendentes, altamente beneficiosas y restauradoras.
Para Millesime 2015 Zensations presenta un diseño único de Arboreum mural “Óxido” de grandes dimensiones creado específicamente para esta edición
Nationally and internationally awarded, Zensations by Albert Cuevas is the surprising and innovative project to design and create products, spaces and unique sensorial wellbeing experiences from restorative frequencies of Nature: fusion of textures, forms and colors of plants and mineral realms, magic tree structures based in mystique Golden proportion (Arboreums)
Nationally and internationally awarded, Zensations by Albert Cuevas is the surprising and innovative project to design and create products, spaces and unique sensorial wellbeing experiences from restorative frequencies of Nature: fusion of textures, forms and colors of plants and mineral realms, magic tree structures based in mystique Golden proportion (Arboreums)
The universal essence (and applications) of Zensations productions trascends both geographic and cultural boundaries, playing with art, science, photography, radiesthesics and sound therapy, combining and mastering exquisitely innovative vanguardist design and centenary ancient wisdom, to generate extraordinary emotions, highly benefitial and restorative.
For Millesime 2015 Zensations presents a big mural Arboreum, “Óxido”, of big dimensions tailored for this event edition
Más informació
viernes, 10 de abril de 2015
New Arboreum in Dining Room Hotel,-8.405686,3a,66.8y,222.5h,86.87t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sygAhjICJgl0AAAQpnTVePg!2e0
lunes, 12 de enero de 2015
New Article of Zensations in Wellness Industry: Bublinky, magazine of USSPA, World top quality spa designers and manufacturers from Czech Republic
textures and natural structures that bring balance and inspiration, calming and
restoring sounds, invigorating or relaxing colors and scents, benefitial and therapeutic
environments…Nature offers us that much and more beyond.
master photographer, artist, researcher and therapist Albert Cuevas (Barcelona,
1953) has been founding inspiration in Nature for over 50 years now, working,
researching and discovering
through photography, radiesthesics and harmonic chants to enrich a large
work and extensive portfolio that since last year started to acquire a new,
even most impressive and higher potential, with Zensations, the project that he cofounded together with younger
environmental scientist and also radiethesist Sergi Nogués (Barcelona, 1974).
observation, scientific research and development, radiesthesic work to detect, tune
in and sometimes even generate the more benefitial restorative frequencies,
creativity and excellence in design, and finally verification of the restorative
and welfare properties on people of Zensations work and products are the follow
up step by step used methodology.
together with USSPA excel products, like the awarded Solitaire, is when all
potential of Zensations work can be expressed and revealed at its best, and the
outcome more fabulous and outstanding, because the final goal is to create and
design restorative sensorial atmospheres in a myriad of spaces: from private
rooms in the residential and private sector, to swimming pools and wet areas of
hotels, spas, clinics, therapeutic, fitness and wellness centers.
what are the elements that encompasses Zensations world?
we have the Arboreums©,
attractive visual and sensorial creations, for some people even
synaesthesic, inspired on symbolic tree shapes and fascinating mineral and organic textures. Just the
magic of the Arboreums speak by itself and go further beyond a positive
rewarding visual experience.
the restorative Zensations overtone
fundamented in the harmonic chants and the base frequencies of Fibonacci famous
finally the Zensations Sensorial Rooms with
the Zensations Blissful Sensory
Experience© where the Arboreums, the
overtone harmonic chants, chromotherapy and aromatherapy combine together to
deliver an innovative and unique restorative experience in a multiple diversity
of applications, environments and atmospheres.
new to the spa and wellness world, the lively and dynamic couple are
revolutioning the industry with their innovative, astounding, refreshing and functional
designs, creating and empowering new concepts like the “evolutive sensorial wellness” or the “spah” (spa holos) ones, where the world of restorative frequencies
from environment and others designed (sounds, Arboreums) add much more richness
and functional possibilities to
the traditional spa or wellness experience.
is the deep and upfront message. A needing for reconnecting to Nature and its
benefitial properties, rebuild the bridges between human being and Nature,
revive and naturalize artificial built spaces, where we transit or experience
sporadically (like a spa) or spend more hours (our home, work places,…).
they have been invited to talk about these innovative concepts and present them
in premier worldwide launch in the 3rd World
Spa Well-being International Congress on Standards, Education and
Innovation in Bangkok, Thailand (september 2014), where they were commissioned
also for the organization of the Congress to design the entrance of the Seminar
Conference Room, with acclaimed and enthusiastic accolades from attendees,
press and public in general.
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